Walkways / Handrails
Walkways and handrails to suit any machine can be fabricated to your requirements
Walkways and handrails are our specialty, have a look through some of our photos to see what can be achieved.
Scroll down to see photos of these fitted to various machines

Specifically tailored for each machine or application, these systems conform where possible to the relevant sections of the ISO and to the (AS) Australian Standards
Walkways and handrails are our speciality
Tailored to suit your exact requirements
painted in your choice of colour (manufacturer or Safety yellow)
Fits the Following:
Cat 16G - 16H
Cat 16M
Cat 24H - 24M
Cat 365 - 390
Cat D10 - D11
Cat D6-D8
Cat D9
Komatsu D375 - D575
Komatsu D57 - D275